This is a new bi-lateral government initiative to help high-potential, British SMEs access new business opportunities in India. RJM is one of only 24 UK businesses, out of over 400 applicants, to have been accepted onto this new programme.
RJM returns to USA
After an absence of 14 years, RJM has returned to its original home country and opened a new regional office in Tulsa, OK. During that period, RJM has been focused on technical innovation and growing the business outside North America, mainly in the UK, Europe, China and the Far East.
RJM opens regional office in Singapore
Having successfully completed a combustion optimisation project in Vietnam and a series of ground-breaking emissions reduction projects at district heating plants in Beijing, this new office will facilitate further growth across South East Asia.
RJM doubles turnover in China
Following on from its first major project in China in 2016 which saw the retro-fitting of nine new RJM ultra-low NOx CleanAir Burners™ on a gas-fired district heating plant in Beijing, RJM has now secured three additional projects in China in 2017.
RJM appoints Buka Power to target Indian market
RJM International has appointed Chennai-based Buka Power to develop opportunities for our award-winning emissions reduction & efficiency improvement technologies throughout India.
RJM moves into new offices
RJM has moved into prestigious offices in Kingdon’s Yard, Parchment Street, in central Winchester. The 5,000 sq. ft. building was purchased outright by the company in 2014 and has been converted to the highest specification.